Journaling involves chronicling events from one beginning point to an undermined endpoint. Within this photography project there exists a journal of places and times where I chose or was able to immerse myself in a body of water. In all cases the bodies of water were in natural places: parks, oceans, lakes, rivers.
There is also a parallel journal of awareness; each place demanded that I place attention on the geologic, historic, and human context of the water. It has been suggested, though not intended specifically, that this journals the environmental aspect of water. This has especially been unavoidable when water was contaminated by chemicals or bacteria (Lake Ponchartrain in New Orleans for one) or was already a wildlife preserve where I would be the contaminant.
As a journal, this website also represents my interest in the subconscious, the collective unconscious, and archetype as explored by Carl Jung and others. The effect of the water illuminates the multiple selves in time that each of us contains.